Want to plan a campus event? This is a great place to start!

Check out the following steps to plan your campus event! This checklist will have links to reserve room locations, register your event, market your event, review policies and guidelines and submit your evaluation. If you have any additional questions beyond the following list, please reach out to Jason Rigsbee, Associate Dean of Students for Student Experience, rigsbej@westminster.edu.

  1. Campus Event Registration Form - All Student Organization-Sponsored events must be registered.
  2.  Choose a location!
  3.  PR Your Event!
    • Marketing Request Form (Westminster Weekly, Digital Signage, Event Calendar)
    • Print Flyers
    • Make a Tub Banner - stop into the Office of Student Life during business hours to request a tub banner kit.
  4. Prep your Event!

5 Steps to Be Successful When Event Planning


Any on-campus person or organization, including students, faculty, staff or their departments, or organizations wishing to schedule an event in a college facility, should check with the appropriate person in charge of the facility.  

There is no charge if a recognized campus organization wishes to reserve use of College facilities for an event provided that no admission fee or donation request is involved. Exceptions to this policy are use of the McKelvey Club Room, Natatorium and additional services of Physical Plant personnel beyond those normally provided. Recognized College organizations will be charged by the hour for use of the Natatorium, including lifeguards, and there will be a minimum charge. An hourly rate for Physical Plant personnel will be charged. Charges for use of the Club Room are determined based on the type of meeting or event being hosted.

Given the special heritage of Westminster College and its continuing affirmation of the relevance of this tradition to its life and work, the College will avoid scheduling any meetings during Chapel on Monday and Friday. The College will also seek to avoid any scheduling of events during the times reserved for Catholic Mass on Saturday evenings and Vespers on Sunday evenings. 

A very detailed resource for room reservations can be found in the handouts section titled MCC Event Management Guide.

Off-campus groups or individuals who wish to reserve campus facilities must do so by contacting the Business Manager, Janet Smith, 207 Old Main.

(.pdf, 95K)

Publicizing Guidelines

Please remember to remove signs and tape when event is over.

Event Guidelines

All RSOs putting events on that include but are not limited to athletic competitions and the use of inflatables will need to ensure all event participants read and agree to the terms of this document.  

(.pdf, 167K)