SGA functions in the same manner as the United States Congress and the executive branch of the U.S. government. The executive branch includes the student body president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and an appointed cabinet. The legislative branch consists of senators who are elected each year to represent the students in the College community. Senators are elected on the basis of class standing. Senators work with the administration and faculty of the College to determine the policies and concerns of Westminster. The committees were established by SGA to provide a means of communication and cooperation among various interest groups within the College.
Slate DiDolce
Gab DiDolce, President
Miranda Mancini, Vice President
Gabbie Garza, Secretary
Gianna Lepore, Treasurer
Chloe Smith, Academics Chairperson
 Leah Buchan, Diversity Chairperson
Elliott Wentzel, Community Engagement Chairperson 
Addison Sofran, Student Concerns Chairperson
Senior Class Senators
Noah Sofran
Junior Class Senators
Bella Buettner, Mia Sherman, Reaghan Wilkerson, Jack Mickle, Isabella Barnabei, Sara MacMurdo, Michael Phillips, Amber Krebs 
Sophomore Class Senators
Addison Sofran, Alyssa Brest, Chloe Smith, Elliott Wentzel, Leah Buchan, Avery Keenan, Camri Andrews, Tony Cicchino
 First-Year Senators
 Silvio Corso, Ava Karpa, Annabelle Turner, Haley Bell, Maddy McClain, Maysen Stewart, Hayne Webster, Macaria Benjamin
Special Senate Officers
Haley Bell, Parliamentarian Chair
Hayne Webster, Chaplin
Gina M. Vance, EdD. Vice President for Student Affairs/ Dean of Students