Join us for a Peer Educators Open House on Monday, February 3 between Noon and 2:00 pm.
- Learn about the opportunity
- Ask all your questions
- Bring your resume and your Spring schedule
We hope to see you there!
Are you a motivated student looking to get involved, help others, build your resume, develop job skills, and even make a little money? We've got a great opportunity for you! The Wellness Center is now hiring Peer Educators for Spring 2025 and Fall 2025. Check out the job description below and consider if you might be a good candidate to become a Peer Educator!
Students interested in applying can contact Jessica Mudger at mudgerjr@westminster.edu or Apply Here
Peer Educator Job Description:
Peer Educators will complete the Certified Peer Educator course prior to creating and presenting educational materials.
Peer Educators will be required to attend the Peer Educator Retreat at the beginning of the fall semester.
Peer Educators may attend prevention education events in non-leadership roles while completing the Certified Peer Educator course.
Peer Educators will create prevention education content to fit the needs of Westminster students including interpersonal violence awareness and prevention and other topics supporting student well-being.
Peer Educators will create content for social media campaigns that coincide with workshops and campus wellness campaigns.
Office Hours
Peer Educators will attend pre-determined office hours to work on peer education initiatives, and receive assignments and support from Advisors.
Work outside office hours is not expected, but is allowed with permission/arrangements from Advisors.
Peer Educators must maintain at least a 2.5 GPA throughout the program.
Peer Educators with GPAs falling below 2.5 will meet with Advisors to discuss arrangements to raise grades and/or whether continuing as a Peer Educator is in the best interests of the student and program.
To express interest or for any questions, please contact Jessica Mudger at mudgerjr@westminster.edu.