We stock a wide range of presentation technology and media materials to assist with instructional needs. Equipment is available for academic use only. For details, see our policies. This circulating equipment is available on a first-come, first-served basis, and a minimum two business day advance is required for all requests.

You may also find our Video and Photo camera option charts helpful.

Faculty/Staff Equipment Requests

For general circulating equipment, please complete an Equipment Request Form. This circulating equipment is available on a first-come, first-served basis, and a minimum two business day advance is required for all requests.

Also, faculty/Staff Self-service mobile equipment storage areas are available in all academic buildings on campus with the exception of McGill Library and Old 77. These areas are equipped with rolling FPC (Flat Panel carts) and PSC (Portable Smart Classroom) carts for reservation and classroom use. Contact your division chair for further information.

Student Equipment Requests

All student reservations require completion of the following electronic form. This circulating equipment is available on a first-come, first-served basis, and a minimum two business day advance is required for all requests.

Equipment Request Form

Equipment Requests for Non-Academic & Off-Campus Events

In light of limited budgets, staffing, and resources, college policy dictates that equipment is available for on-campus, academic use only. Exceptions to this policy can include some forms of off-campus study, student teaching, academic conferences and competitions, and certain "all college" on-campus events. While any event might be considered to meet the requirements for support by the organizers, final determination rests with User Services. The person completing the Equipment Request form will receive notification of approval or denial by email. See our policies for further information.

Off-Campus Groups Planning On-campus Events

Any off campus individual or group planning an on-campus event should start by contacting the Westminster Business Office. A helpful checklist for organizers can be found in the handouts section of this page.

NOTE: There are limitations on use of campus technology by off-campus groups. See our policies for further information.