8:00 a.m. "Nama-stay" on the Quad (Yoga)
Via Zoom https://westminsteredu.zoom.us/j/96547390258?pwd=MERPanpnMi9jWWlqS0dUeGxxS0hpUT09
9:00 a.m. Meditation with College Chaplain Jim Mohr
Via College Live Streaming Service https://athletics.westminster.edu/watch/?Live=359&type=Live
10:00 a.m. Illusions of Blue and White: A Magic Performance
Via Zoom https://westminsteredu.zoom.us/j/99974031773?pwd=bmZYTnFzam8vQzlQR2k2UUErM0R5UT09
12 p.m. Apiary Tour
Via Zoom https://westminsteredu.zoom.us/j/97616566083?pwd=a2tIN20xdi9RKzFWc3FTUTVnK2hNQT09
2:00 p.m. Titan Marching Band Performance & Homecoming Court and Rising Titan Announcement
**Please note that there will be a short intermission between the Titan Marching Band performance and the announcement of Homecoming king and queen and the Rising Titan Award winner as members of the band who are also on Homecoming court will need to transition.
Via WCTV Live; type this exact URL into your web browser: www.wcnlive.com
3:00 p.m. 45th Cluster (Class years 1974, 1975, 1976) Friends of Music Reunion
Via Zoom https://westminsteredu.zoom.us/j/94876888014?pwd=bllrZGZlam9HYUdYOFpUc2hxZFNIUT09
4:00 p.m. 25th (Class of 1995) Reunion
Via Zoom https://pitt.zoom.us/j/98393366001
4:00 p.m. Alpha Sigma Phi Reunion
Register via Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYvd-6hqzwqE9Z2ydaCc1qTdw0VQYH62FYl
or contact drrobsheehan@gmail.com
7:00 p.m. 65th (Class of 1955) Reunion
Via Zoom https://us04web.zoom.us/j/79791222393?pwd=QXB3ZHNUVDRvSXF5Y1pNS3FhbnJlZz09