
Allergy injections will be given to students who are already on allergy desensitization programs prescribed and initiated by their allergist.

Allergy injections are available at the Wellness Center in accordance with the following guidelines:

  • Allergy serum must be accompanied by written orders signed by the prescribing physician including the extract name, dosage schedule to be followed (including alteration of dosage due to being late for appointment dates), date of the most recent injection, and any special considerations. The student's name, date of birth and vial number should be listed on each vial.
  • Students must schedule an appointment for allergy injections during the physician's hours.  Students will be responsible for making sure they are complying with the treatment schedule.
  •  Extracts with orders will be stored in refrigerator in the Wellness Center.
  •  Students must review the "Student Instructions and Responsibilities" form and review and sign the "Informed Consent to Receive Allergy Injections" form prior to starting to receive allergy injections.
  • Students must remain in the Wellness Center for a minimum of 20 minutes after the injection(s) for observation and inspection of injection site(s).
  • Students are responsible for contacting private allergist for new extracts.
  • Students are responsible for arranging for their own injections while they are away from campus.
  • Students are responsible for checking out their serum and a copy of their record during holiday periods and at the end of the academic year. Serums that are not picked up at the end of the academic year will be discarded.  We will not ship forgotten serums. 
  • There is a $7.00 fee for a visit to the Wellness Center for allergy injections. The fee is the same without regard to the number of allergy injections given at that visit. The Wellness Center does not collect the fee, but bills it to the student's account. Student may pay for their allergy injections at the Business Office.

Note: Wellness Center staff reserves the right to refer a student who is experiencing adverse reactions to injections or those who delay injections beyond their prescribed schedule to his/her physician for further orders or injections. This is in the interest of safety for those students.

The Wellness Center cannot administer allergy injections to students who have a history of experiencing severe allergic reactions to injections.

Doctors who wish to contact the Wellness Center by mail should use the following address:

Wellness Center
319 South Market Street
Westminster College
New Wilmington, PA 16172

Fax: 724-946-6308