Undergraduate Research includes scholarly projects in which both faculty and students are collaborative partners in examining, creating, and sharing new knowledge or works in ways consistent with practices in the discipline.

The Drinko Center currently supports Undergraduate Research at Westminster College through two major aims, but our services and offerings will continue to grow.

1) Support student research through supply grants and travel grants for students presenting their research externally.

2) Organizing the The Undergraduate Research and Arts Celebration (URAC), a day-long event showcasing the collaborative work between Westminster faculty and students. 

Poster Presentation Resources

To view the Zoom Presentation on Poster Presentations at URAC follow this link:



Summer Research Fellowship Application

This program supports student/faculty pairs from any academic discipline who wish to engage in scholarly research or creative projects during the summer. This program involves a competitive application process and the funding for the selected fellows includes stipends for both team members over a four or six week period.

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Presentation Resources

Title Description File type

View these slides for details on Writing a Competitive Research Fellowship Application, with a focus on the Drinko Center for Undergraduate Research's Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship Program.


To view the Zoom Presentation follow this link:



View these slides for details on the selection and application processes for Research Internships and Graduate School in STEM fields.


To view the Zoom Presentation follow this link:



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    Drinko Center for Undergraduate Research

    Patrick E. Lackey 


    (724) 946-7295


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    Student Grants

    This program supports the undertaking of research projects and creative activities performed by undergraduates at Westminster College by providing funds for the purchase of supplies and equipment, travel to a research sites, libraries, data sources or training, and acquiring data sets or software.

    (.pdf, 221K)

    This program supports individual performances and/or presentations of student research at professional conferences/events in any discipline, including work in visual and performing arts.


    (.pdf, 229K)

    This program supports students to attend the National Conferences on Undergraduate Research (NCUR), an event dedicated to promoting undergraduate research, scholarship, and creative activity in all fields of study by sponsoring an annual conference for students. 

    This application is for last year's NCUR; it will be updated for NCUR 2025 (in Pittsburgh, PA, on April 7-9th!) once I have more information about the abstract submission and registration process for the conference itself (that information usually comes in September or early October). 

    (.pdf, 166K)

    Faculty Led Grants

    The group grant program is intended to support either: 1) Group research projects or 2) Performances/presentations at professional conferences by groups of students (where multiple students are part of a single presentation or performance) in any discipline including work in visual and performing arts disciplines. This form is only intended for group travel where multiple students will be part of a single presentation or performance. The supporting faculty member is responsible for form submission. 


    (.pdf, 215K)