Planning, Budget, and Institutional Research Council

Planning, Budget, and Institutional Research Council is responsible for developing or reviewing and recommending to the President the following: 1) updated versions of the Long Range Plan and other planning documents; 2) space utilization plans; 3) annual operating budget parameters and budget priorities; 4) instruments and strategies for institutional assessments. This council will also review results of institutional research and make recommendations to appropriate groups. The council will identify the areas requiring institutional research in order that its work and recommendations be founded on a reliable, ever-developing data base.

Because the purpose of the Council is to assure appropriate levels of campus understanding and shaping of the College's plans and budgets, its members will bring to the Council's deliberations valid concerns and suggestions of various constituencies. Members will report at least once each Fall and Spring semester the work of the council to the groups from which they are elected.

This council shall include fifteen members: the President of the College (who shall be chair), the Vice President of Academic Affairs, the Vice President for Finance and Management Services, the Vice President for Institutional Advancement, the Dean of Student Affairs, the Director of Institutional Research, the Dean of Admissions and Enrollment Management, four members elected by the faculty, two students, and two support staff representatives.

Enrollment Management

The Enrollment Management Council shall review and recommend policies and procedures on enrollment management at the College. Policies and procedures under the Council's purview include, but are not limited to, enrollment research, planning and targets; student recruitment and retention; and financial aid policies. The Council shall also oversee the selection of endowed scholarship recipients.

Members of this Council shall establish and review annually the parameters and conditions for conditional and unconditional admission and non-admission. The Council will advise and make recommendations to the Vice President for Enrollment and Marketing.

Student Experience Council 

The Student Experience Council shall review and make recommendations on policies pertaining to the student experience at Westminster College, including student activities and organizations, Student Government Association, fraternities and sororities, judicial affairs, minority, international and disabled student affairs, counselling services, career center, orientation, residence life, student health services, safety and security, intercollegiate and intramural athletics, and religious life. The Council shall evaluate applications from student organizations seeking official College recognition. It shall also be responsible for reviewing College policies that affect the religious life of the College and bringing recommendations regarding those policies to the appropriate body.

The Council will advise and make recommendations to the Vice President for Student Affairs & Dean of Students on matters pertaining to student life. On matters pertaining to intercollegiate and intramural athletics, the Council will advise and make recommendations to the Director of Athletics. On matters pertaining to religious life, the Council will advise and make recommendations to the College Chaplain.